Name |
Description |
Period |
Price |
Bezmaksas Hostings uz mūžu |
#1 Vispopulārākais bezmaksas hostings Latvijā no 2001 gada! Par brību piedāvājam 1000 MB vietas uz diska, 5GB datu plūsmas mēnesī, papildus bezmaksas 1 domēna hostings, atblalsta PHP, Perl, MySQL, FTP, tūlītēja aktivizēšana! |
Unlimited |
0.00 EUR |
eLAT 0.99/mēnesī + domēns |
Neierobežota diska vieta un datu pārraides apjoms. Uzturi divus domēnus (piemēram 2X savu .LV un .COM domēnu), PHP, Perl, MySQL, Postgres, FTP, tūlītēja aktivēšana! With the order of this hosting plan you get 1 FREE domain com/ net/ eu/ org/ biz/ info/ us/ co.uk/ org.uk/ be (transfer/registration) for 1 year!
Get 1 year FREE for 1 domain com/ net/ eu/ org/ biz/ info/ us/ co.uk/ org.uk/ be (transfer/registration) with 1 year or more hosting plan period! |
Mazcenas Serveris |
Neierobežota diska vieta un trafiks, Hostē līdz 5 domēniem vienā kontā, sub-domēnu skaits nav ierobežots. Jaunākās versijas PHP, Perl, MySQL, FTP. E-pasts ar @tavs-domens.lv With the order of this hosting plan you get 1 FREE domain com/ net/ eu/ org/ biz/ info/ us/ co.uk/ org.uk/ be (transfer/registration) for 1 year!
Get 1 year FREE for 1 domain com/ net/ eu/ org/ biz/ info/ us/ co.uk/ org.uk/ be (transfer/registration) with 1 year or more hosting plan period! |
eLATVIA ∞ Biznesa Hostings |
Lētākais biznesa hostings Latvijā. Gandrīz nekādu ierobežojumu. Neierobežota diska vieta un traffics. Neierobežots domēnu skaits, PHP, Perl, MySQL, Postgres, FTP, tūlītēja aktivizēšana! With the order of this hosting plan you get 1 FREE domain com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE!
Get 1 FREE domain name com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE with 1 year or more hosting plan period! |
Starter Semi Dedicated |
Unlimited Diskspace, Unlimited Traffic, 20% Max CPU usage, 20% Max RAM usage, 500K Max MySQL queries per hour, Guaranteed Resources! With the order of this semi-dedicated hosting plan you get 1 FREE domain com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE!
Get 1 FREE domain name com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE with 1 year or more semi-dedicated hosting period! |
Pro Semi Dedicated |
Unlimited Diskspace, Unlimited Traffic, 35% Max CPU usage, 35% Max RAM usage, 750K Max MySQL queries per hour, Guaranteed Resources! With the order of this semi-dedicated hosting plan you get 1 FREE domain com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE!
Get 1 FREE domain name com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE with 1 year or more semi-dedicated hosting period! |
Advanced Semi Dedicated |
Unlimited Diskspace, Unlimited Traffic, 50% Max CPU usage, 50% Max RAM usage, 1M Max MySQL queries per hour, Guaranteed Resources! With the order of this semi-dedicated hosting plan you get 1 FREE domain com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE!
Get 1 FREE domain name com/ net/ org/ biz/ info/ us (transfer/registration) for LIFE with 1 year or more semi-dedicated hosting period! |